Thursday, January 21, 2010


and yet it moves.

we have movement! as of a week ago, it became clear that at least 60% of those maybe-gas-bubbles, maybe-fetus-flips are actually the more exciting of the two. i LOVE this. in meetings, i very carefully crawl inside my own abdomen to check in and see who's moving. the other morning, there was a really distinct one--like, more a thump than a swish--and then it happened again, but of course when i freaked out and flipped over and put the monkey's hand on the thump site, it stopped happening. didn't mean to startle you, baby. do that some more.

i made baby clothes. these are divine; they are small and relatively shapeless, easy to finish, no tricky parts, and then you feel like a domestic goddess afterwards. and i made some tops to wear as i continue to expand, one of which is pretty cute and the other of which will look okay to wear cleaning the apartment, if that were something i did regularly.

here's the thing about the belly and the showing: when will it start? there were a couple days over christmas where i couldn't button my pants and felt like i looked like a whale. and now, pants button okay and i just look a little . . . thick. i think maybe there was some bloating that's resolved, and that's part of it, but i hope i'm--oh, this sounds so incredibly annoying: i hope i'm gaining enough weight. try not to read that in a valley girl accent if you can help it. my appetite has revved down noticeably, and we don't have a scale, and the i've been absent from the gym (eep), and i feel like i'm not getting any bigger. whatever. i was fine when the midwife checked at the end of december and probably can't have gotten too un-fine in the ensuing weeks. especially given the daily doughnut habit i've developed as insurance against my flagging appetite. because that's what the baby needs; more glaze.

we find out the sex at the end of the month, assuming s/he cooperates. i wanted to talk about both kinds of names in the interim; the monkey would rather just not start until the field is narrowed. this makes sense, but once we know, all the other possibilities will evaporate, and i want to play with them while they're still viable. we totally do not think the same about the naming thing. i guess he hasn't been doodling names he likes on pee-chee folders for twenty years.

anyway, we'll let you know.



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