Monday, March 03, 2008


have to admit.

i passed my big test. was momentarily greatly relieved, and then just started grinding my teeth at night about something else. (it wakes the monkey up. he says it's like there's gravel in there. cronch cronch.)

he got a job. the acting kind. there was a momentary episode of the evil envies, but not too bad. the worser part was that this job doesn't pay so well--i mean, more than i've ever made as an actron, but not as much as four nights at the restaurant. not that four nights at the restaurant is really cutting it. sigh. i like being someone who can survive on less, but every once in while i wonder what is wrong with us that combined, our annual income is less than most of my friends' individual incomes. we makes our choices, we takes our lumps. soon i will be an obscure and stable professorial, and the monkey can spend his daytimes taking care of the child we are currently too poor to responsibly produce. i will say, however, that the waiting is getting precarious. i am about to fall off of it.

in other news, there is no other news. this is what i do: read books, ruminate on the future, refrain from buying things. one day last week i actually had to do a sort of art-like project for a class, and i thought, this is what some people do in grad school. not only do they read stuff, they make stuff.

i'm gonna make more stuff. we'll see if that helps.


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