Tuesday, February 20, 2007
now, with extra auspiciousness.

so, what with all the school and wedding and california and all, i didn't really pay attention to the chinese new year. but now my advisor tells me that it is some special golden pig year, and that my red front door is even better feng-shui this year than usual because . . . i don't know, red is more powerful during auspicious times, or something. i got a little lost. and i thought, great! because so much is happening this year. i'm glad it's got some extra juju vibrating around. when i mentioned i was excited to get married in the year of the golden pig, she said, "you should wear a red dress!" well, the dress is already picked out, but now i am seriously considering red shoes because i think white shoes are just fugly most of the time, and i'm really trying to keep the things i buy to wear only on one day to a minimum.
i asked the monkey if he thought it would be hot if i wore red shoes, and he paused so long i actually heard the word "no" come out of the ether before he weakly finished up, " . . . with a white dress? (pause.) well, maybe."
screw you, brown-suit-wearer. but then i found out that this golden pig stuff seems to be mostly about offspring, so whatever.
i still think red shoes would be hot. and very possibly auspicious.