Tuesday, October 24, 2006
cue the crazy music.
so, it has begun. i have bid (i have bidden? i am bididding?) on a wedding dress on ebay. i found two i liked while we were shopping, neither of which i could afford, one of which i found on ebay the next day for a totally do-able sum. no jinxing.
i had not anticipated that two of my great loves, party dresses and internet comparison shopping, would be so beautifully united in this enterprise. i am at my happiest, these days, while trying out combos of search terms most likely to put me in touch with the best and most efficient second hand and sample-selling bridal stores. i am checking classifieds in cities where i don't live. when i'm not checking the internet, i'm thinking about it. i am thinking, i can beat you, internet. your secrets are mine.
i should be a professional googler. i'm really good at this shit.
for the record, the early contenders are:

i know. that one lady is kind of tarty looking. i won't be making the marilyn face.
i figure if i can find either of them used at a decent price, i should buy them and choose from the assembled field. i can always sell the non-choices to some other crazy person online if they don't work out.
and, because i like stacking myself up against professional models, here is me in versions of both of these:

that brown one is a dark horse. those aren't good pictures of it; it was actually really pretty. it's the one sort of not clingy one i liked.
have at it, internet community. advise me, strangers. unless you're going to say something like, hey, i didn't picture you having that kind of nose, in which case: save it.
i had not anticipated that two of my great loves, party dresses and internet comparison shopping, would be so beautifully united in this enterprise. i am at my happiest, these days, while trying out combos of search terms most likely to put me in touch with the best and most efficient second hand and sample-selling bridal stores. i am checking classifieds in cities where i don't live. when i'm not checking the internet, i'm thinking about it. i am thinking, i can beat you, internet. your secrets are mine.
i should be a professional googler. i'm really good at this shit.
for the record, the early contenders are:

i know. that one lady is kind of tarty looking. i won't be making the marilyn face.
i figure if i can find either of them used at a decent price, i should buy them and choose from the assembled field. i can always sell the non-choices to some other crazy person online if they don't work out.
and, because i like stacking myself up against professional models, here is me in versions of both of these:

that brown one is a dark horse. those aren't good pictures of it; it was actually really pretty. it's the one sort of not clingy one i liked.
have at it, internet community. advise me, strangers. unless you're going to say something like, hey, i didn't picture you having that kind of nose, in which case: save it.