Friday, June 09, 2006


big DNA week.

so, in three and a half years, i have not ever met or spoken to the monkey's parents.

or, really, any of his family. well, one; i met his cousin when she was on a business trip through new york the first year we were here. she took us out for an expense account dinner. i had filet mignon and french fries.

tonight we're having dinner with her again, and her dad, a twenty-five-years-divorced bachelor DJ who the monkey says is possibly gay but no one's sure.

and next week, hell is freezing over. also, his parents are driving through new york on their way north and have agreed to stop and have dinner with us.

i have no idea if these people even want to meet me. they haven't really expressed an interest, so far as i know. all i know about them is that they sound like bad parents and are seriously roman catholic. their ambivalence towards learning anything about me seems to point to at least mild disapproval. after all, we are shacked up without the benefit of a sacrament, and then there's all the stuff they don't know but probably suspect, like how i'm a bedwetting liberal birth-control-using pinko feminist hedonist monster.

not cool. i should be giving them the benefit of the doubt. i bet they make a great margarita.

okay, so: i'm going to try to go in with an open mind. i am mostly not apprehensive; i mean, what could happen? i dump a plate of meatballs in the monkey dad's lap? i challenge his mom to arm-wrestle and lose? they frown at my salt usage?



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