Monday, April 24, 2006


the consistency of: confused tapioca.

so, yeah. i occasionally have a fit of the weepies about not being free to audition for stuff for a year due to upcoming school. especially when the monkey gets a lot of really good calls in the same week and i feel that the trembly-lower-lip alert level has gone into Orange or Magenta.

i'm being patient with this. but recently a friend put it so well that i had that funny! scary! vomit! reaction you sometimes do when someone else puts your dilemma in better words than you can. on giving up gainful employment to go shoot a movie:

Here's my image:
A 53 year old man is alone on a beach at low tide with a metal detector. Up
above the shore is a small cabin with the light of a small fire emanating
from it. Inside stand a mother and two children looking out at the man.
Stores are low. A fence is in need of repair. When asked by a child what
Daddy's been doing out on the beach these many days, the mother replies,
"He¹s trying to locate remnants of a dream he purposefully threw overboard a few years ago.

ha! aaaa! roark!

anyway. then he went on to say something else really good:

A year (at my age anyway) isn't long. I encourage
you to relish everyday that working on your acting career isn't an option.
How freeing! We need to really quit every now and then, I think, to see it
from the outside, and figure out what we want and don't want about it, and
create boundaries that keep us safe from humiliation and poverty. We CAN do it our own way, we just usually don't.

something about "safe from humiliation and poverty" reminds me just how good i have it. in a pleasing way.

he's flying to new york to be a tiny part in a gigantic movie in june. i can't wait to talk to him. and if giving up acting gets you cast in blockbuster sam raimi movies, perhaps going back to school is the smartest career move i've ever made.


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