Monday, January 24, 2005


she who hesitates.

i never learn. by the time i signed up for the tap dancing lessons, the class was full. by the time i decided i needed the giant down duffle coat, it was sold out.

and make no mistake, it's needed. cold cold cold. snow snow snow. but i do have my excellent, life-saving (and yet remarkably attractive!) snow boots. it's a small mercy when the bad weather waits for the after-christmas sales.

it was the monkey's birthday in the middle of the snowstorm. it was attended by the best one, our other thanksgiving guest, and his friends the romanian underwear designer, the french hair colorist, and the drunken lesbian from DC. roller skating came up, and two of the party asked if i would relay their requests for sonya's hand in marriage. the monkey became a drunk skunk, and was very hard to put to bed, but all in all it was a nice time. the nicest. he is the nicest.

i was interviewed last week for a story in the real estate section in the times. if you search on my name at the times online, you should be able to find it. the monkey said he'd waited his whole life so far to be referred to as "Mr." in the new york times. one small mission accomplished.


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