Tuesday, November 09, 2004


that's where the god is.

it was the best one's birthday last night. i still don't think i drank that much, but no one has had to pour me home like that since . . . since the best one's going away party at the union garage in seattle.

i should have known that the mojitos were not a good foundation for a night of serious cocktail work.

the monkey held my hair and doled out the water (my favorite part was when he told me i couldn't have any more filtered water until after i puked, only tap water, because he didn't want to "waste the good stuff") and ibuprofen. i felt okay this morning, actually, although i have noticed that i am very, very stupid this morning.

nothing is very different. i'm trying everything i can think of to be happy, or at the very least, glad of small things.


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