Wednesday, December 24, 2003


you said it, thos. wolfe

everyone who will live in the united states all their lives should at least move well out of their region once. i never realized how freaking bizarre the size of the grocery store in my hometown is. certain manhattan neighborhoods could fit inside the complex. you could push six carts abreast at certain places in the meat and fish department--department! it's more like a concourse.

and people smiled at me more. i can't quite form a theory about the whole "rudeness" question. it seems that there are two competing stereotypes: that new yorkers are the rudest people on earth, or that they're misunderstood and actually the least rude, in their fashion. neither really seems to be true; it's just an entirely different place. on almost any other continent it'd be three countries away from where i grew up, so perhaps it's not strange that i have a hard time picking up cues.

i'm so very glad to be home, subject to my parents' bad movie taste and gigantic house. we'll go to mass tonight, i'll see a few people i only see once a year, i will briefly and uncharitably congratulate myself on still being skinny, i'll need a kleenex during the our father and then i'll head home to sleep engulfed in a family love that strong enough--say whatever you want, or whatever i've actually said--to draw me to break stride during every orbit i've ever taken. everyone's healthy, and by tomorrow night, everyone'll be here.


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