Friday, November 07, 2003


mirror, mirror.

i have a recurring dream. the dream is: i find a room in the place where i live that i have never seen before--or, rather, once i've found it, i realize i must have known about the room at some point, when i moved in, but i have since forgotten. and the feeling is always this extreme wonder . . . *how could i have missed this?*

first it was a room. then, as i grew hip to the dream, it was a boat. a pool. a yard. the last time i had it, the dream had morphed so much that it was orange juice that i had forgotten i had, but when i opened the fridge, the feeling was exactly the same. *how could i?*

i haven't had the dream much in the last few years. i dunno why. but when i do, it gets sneaky. like the orange juice. now, it's hours after i wake up when i realize, hey! it was the dream! disguised!

i had it last night about a hairbrush. a special one i've read about in a magazine, that would make my hair straight.

apparently, i've had the power all along.


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