Wednesday, November 26, 2003


danke schoen, darling. clink.

today, i go to yoga.

(me: "is this class appropriate for all levels?"
guy on phone: "all our classes are open-level."
me: "i'm perturbed that the teacher's c.v. says she aims the class towards professional dancers."
g-o-p: "yeah, don't worry about that."
me: " . . . uh, okay.")

today, i meet the best one for some appliance-shopping.

today, we drink.

today, after drinking, i do the thanksgiving shopping in the food emporium in the union square station. i will be rubbing elbows with harried career women from all over new york's eastside!

i am armed with sixty dollars. the pumpkin cheesecake will prevail. it is, howyousay, go time.


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