Wednesday, September 17, 2003

well, jeez.

even though i've maybe never been the sort, everyone sort of wants a millenial-quality party of the first magnitude. i thought leaving seattle was a good time to have it, but rehearsals precluded planning, and then when we got back to town from edinburgh it was all i could do to call the rendezvous and book the upstairs room. i suppose i should have guessed. the people who did show were lovely, but the vision ended up lacking. and a few very precious folks who assured me they'd be there were missing, and i miss them.

but the here and now is all new york. it's like running uphill constantly, on asphalt. i'm terribly scared everytime i'm daunted that *i won't like it*, and god knows what that means, since i don't think i can go back and the monkey certainly isn't leaving.

except the first day was great. capital. and now, i'm frightened by how much i don't know. children on the subway know more about this place than i do. it's a long road from here to day-player roles on law and order: special victims unit.

so, i dunno. it'll work out. in the meantime, the unsettledness is wearing on me, and worse, making me critical. it's hard for this place to do right when nothing's good enough.


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