Thursday, September 25, 2003

i get lost every time i leave the house. still, most days, i do leave the house.

i went to the studio recommended by . . . well, this person--some of you may know her as the wearer of the flightsuit, the ramp jammies, the one who only wanted the sweater 'if we can be *friends*'--who i don't always eye-to-eye with, but she's ambitious, and i posit she doesn't suck at what she does, and so i researched her studio and it sounded good. and then, after all my def-con five fear about paying money for training (get kicked out of one league conservatory and suddenly it almost never seems like an acceptable risk), i felt completely at home. what's more, the interviewer flipped my headshot over and stopped for a second, and then said, "oh. you're a *real* working actor." and immediately placed me in what we all know is the best class. that one was worth it.

so this is what i'm thinking: i will be the driven one. that's going to be my thing. ferocious.

there's so fucking much to do.


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