Tuesday, September 30, 2003

apparently, i'll get weekly quotes from my acting-with-thecamera teacher. apropos of this one, i have to wonder what exactly nick nolte was "being" in the hulk:

N.N., on choosing a screenplay: "I look for that story that has deep meaning for me.  I may not know exactly what that meaning is, but I can feel it, and that's the work I'm compelled to do.  When Paul Schrader first called me about doing AFFLICTION, I knew I wasn't yet ready psychologically to go to the places this character has to go.  I wasn't feeling enough pain.  I was fearful I might act it.  I don't like to act.  To me, it's all about being. "

today, i am initiated.

5:30: wake. make coffee, choke breakfast. avoid barfing.
6:00: choose clothes that make me look nothing like angelina jolie.
6:28: kiss monkey, leave apartment.
7:10: arrive in chelsea from subway and sign unofficial "list."

in non-equity auditions, this crappy paper list gets circulated. it only means something if everyone's agreed and everyone is a boyscout. today, everyone was, and i was twenty first in line. you wait outside in the cold until

8:00 announcement is made that people will be letting us in soon.
8:30 announcement is made that people will be letting us in soon.
8:43 announcement is made that people will be letting us in soon.

9:06: we get in an elevator, eight at a time, in our carefully preserved order and get seven more announcements about how fast everything is going to move once the casting people ACTUALLY ARRIVE.

9:30: headshot and resume taken. i'm number 15. there's been attrition.

9:59: we go in to a gas chamber/ballet studio twenty at a time, while an obese casting lady matches us with our pictures and decides who can stay.

i didn't get to stay. whatever. but, man . . . what is this going to be like, week after month after year? holy shit. i'm wiped.

i still remember that, you know, idea about being ferocious. roar. mwrow. i'm just tired, too. mama said there'd be days like this.


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