Friday, April 04, 2003

last night at one of those convivial post-show drinky times, someone asked me that "are you sticking around?" question. we all know what it means. are you here for good, or are you moving away to seek greater fame and fortune/follow your bliss/be a fool? people have been asking it for a while, since the best one moved away and i started thinking about it, and now that the monkey has left for new yorker pastures, i guess folks in the know are even more curious. i said, "it's on the table."

i'm not entirely sure why i'm reluctant to cop to moving away, now that it's certain. i suppose i think people here will begin to dismiss me as soon as they know, and i'd like my old life to live on as long as i'm here. as right as this decision is, it's not like i won't miss the party i'm leaving behind. someone told me he'd like to work with me again, and while he's no broadway producer, he *is* a cut above in this small town, and . . . i realized i wanted to eat my cake and then also say, yes, we will work together next year.

not going to happen. but in the largest sense, i don't mind.

we bought our airline tickets yesterday. buying plane tickets makes me feel like a superhero.


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