Thursday, March 27, 2003

it's funny how time will get you over just about anything. (and by anything, i hope it's plain that i mean the sheltered-life version of "anything," like broken hearts and petty-to-medium abandonments. things that seriously sting, and make you cry a lot. god knows there's plenty going on in the world that it's not cool to be pollyanna about.)

i was thinking yesterday about how long i was a foolbasket over this one guy, and how now when i say his name inside my head, there's just nothing there. the whole idea of him is inert, like milk. i was afraid it wasn't going to come, although that's silly. i remember waiting and waiting, and thinking how ridiculous it was, being ashamed of myself and knowing it wasn't worth any more distress, but still. funny to look at him now--most of them, actually--and think, oh, thank god.

the monkey's coming to a sunrise wedding with me this weekend. and it's old news, and not even news, but i was once pretty attached to the idea that the now-groom would some day decide we should stop flirting and start firguring out if we were in love. now? he's another thank god. and i'm exactly where i would choose to be, watching with a smile from the sidelines with my best piece of love in my hand.

to life, i say: karate chop! hiiiiii-yah!


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