Wednesday, February 05, 2003

tonight tonight tonight! tonight tonight tonight!

The Best One knows of an apartment that might be coming open at about the right time, and because i'm ridiculous i looked it up on every map i have and dreamt about it and got excited.

i don't really know where you go to pick someone up at the airport, now. since you can't go to the gate anymore. security and all, yes, but i'd never quite considered the impact on young lovers . . . somehow, the tearful reunion--i was picturing the jump-and-hug that makes everyone else envious, right at the gate in front of other people's camcorders--doesn't seem so appropriate outside the security thingy. and how do you know when he's coming out? jeez.

goofy sue published her story about The Carpet Foam Thanksgiving. i love that i heard it first. but you should read it, too.

i want to go somewhere with a girl and wear matching dresses. maybe matching dressed from the fifties. maybe pink. takers?


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